Kokoska RE, Lima AM, Kingsley MM. Review of Delayed Reactions to 15 Hyaluronic Acid Fillers. Dermatol Surg. 2022 Jul 1;48(7):752-757. doi: 10.1097/DSS.0000000000003473. Epub 2022 May 17. PMID: 35609207. |
Katherine Hrynewycz, Ally-Khan Somani, Melanie Kingsley “Chapter 53: Chemical Peels.” Comprehensive Dermatologic Drug Therapy: Fourth Edition. March 2020. P592-596. |
Melanie Kingsley, Prisanthi Kandula, Michael Kaminer. “Chapter 59: Injectable Dermal and Subcutaneous Fillers.” Comprehensive Dermatologic Drug Therapy: Fourth Edition. March 2020. P650-655. |
Navid Ezra, Melanie Kingsley. Two cases of localized scleroderma treated with ablative fractional laser therapy and injectable fillers. Lasers in Surgery and Medicine 47:47-47. March 2015 |
Navid Ezra, Elizabeth Peacock, Benjamin Keele, Melanie Kingsley. Litigation arising from the use of soft-tissue fillers in the United States. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology. 2015. 73(4):702-204. |
M Loesch, Ally-Khan Somani, Melanie M Kingsley, Jeffrey B Travers, Dan F Spandau. Skin resurfacing procedures: new and emerging options. Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology. 2014. 7:231–241 |
Travers JB, Spandau DF, Lewis DA, Machado C, Kingsley M, Mousdicas N, Somani AK. Fibroblast senescence and squamous cell carcinoma: how wounding therapies could be protective. Dermatol Surg. 2013 Jul;39(7):967-73. |
Melanie Kingsley, Andrei Metelista, Ally-Khan Somani. “Chapter 49: Chemical Peels.” Comprehensive Dermatologic Drug Therapy: Third Edition. Nov 2012. |
Melanie Kingsley, Andrei Metelista, Michael Kaminer. “Chapter 57: Injectable Dermal and Subcutaneous Fillers.” Comprehensive Dermatologic Drug Therapy: Third Edition. Nov 2012. |
Sheehan JM, Kingsley M, Rohrer TE. Excisional Surgery and Repair, Flaps, and Grafts. Fitzpatrick’s Dermatology in General Medicine, 8th edition, 2012. |
Melanie Kingsley, Kenneth Arndt. “Coma Blisters.” Clinical Decision Support: Dermatology. 2012. |
Melanie Kingsley, Jeffrey S. Dover. “What’s new in cosmetic procedures.” G Ital Dermatol Venereol. 2010 Oct;145(5):651-8. |
Hansen, Tim, Melanie Kingsley, Bruce Mallatt, Ravi Krishnan. “Extrafacial microcystic adnexal carcinoma: Case report and review of the literature.” Dermatologic Surgery. Nov 2009. P1835-1839. |
Weaver, Chad, Hannah M. Huddleston, Melanie M. Kingsley, and Stephen E. Wolverton. “Moxifloxacin-Induced Drug Hypersensitivity Syndrome With Features of Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis.” Journal of Drugs in Dermatology. Nov 2009, p1031. |
Bohyer, Christopher and Melanie Kingsley. “Spot the rash: Eczema Herpeticum.” Infectious Diseases in Children. Dec 2006. |
Yuraitis, Melanie; Jacob, Carolyn I. “Botulinum Toxin for the Treatment of Facial Flushing.” Dermatologic Surgery. Jan 2004. 30:1 pp102-104. |

Melanie Kingsley, MD
Invited Lectures
Indiana Academy of Dermatology, Spring Meeting, Indianapolis, IN. 5/2022.y
“What’s in My Cosmetic Toolbox: Medical Dermatology.”
Indiana Academy of Dermatology, Spring Meeting, Indianapolis, IN. 5/2022.y
“What’s in My Cosmetic Toolbox: Cosmetic Dermatology.”
Indiana University School of Medicine, Department of Dermatology Grand Rounds, Indianapolis, IN. 8/2020.